Tuesday, December 05, 2006

An Introduction to Silvopasture

Silvopasture systems are deliberately designed and managed to produce a high-value timber product (such as saw timber) in the long term while providing short-term annual economic benefit from a livestock component through the management of forage or an annual crop component.

While providing economic benefits, well-managed silvopasture systems can also:
  1. Improve overall economic performance of a farm enterprise through diversification
  2. Maintain or increase tree growth
  3. Improve cool-season grass production
  4. Allow warm-season grass production with careful canopy management
  5. Provide shade for livestock
  6. Produce pine straw for landscaping and mulch
  7. Aid in erosion control
  8. Increase wildlife populations
  9. Improve water quality
  10. Increase opportunities for recreation
  11. Enhance aesthetics and property values
  12. Provide wildlife habitat for turkey and quail

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