Traditionally, forest landowners who have managed southern pines could count on income derived from periodic thinnings of their stands for pulpwood while they waited for these stands to grow into higher-value sawtimber. However, over the last several years, the prices for pulpwood have decreased as many domestic mills are closing as forest industries construct mills overseas—especially in Latin America. If this trend continues, traditionally densely established pine plantations will not be the most cost-effective forest management system as acreage is tied up in lower-value trees that are eventually removed anyway.
For silvopasture, the landowner is establishing and producing trees with the goal of harvesting primarily for saw timber and establishing forage to reduce the need to purchase feed, thus optimizing land use by producing short and long term benefits. Landowners must be prepared to engage in some management of both tree and forage components over time as silvopasture is not a “plant it and leave it” system.
1 comment:
Are these Pineywoods cattle in this picture?
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